"...look after the orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27 Of the more than 700,000 children in Russia classified as being "without parental care," as many as one-third reside in institutions. Thousands more are temporarily quartered in various public shelters under police jurisdiction waiting for an available space in an orphanage. Thousands of children are abandoned to the state at a rate of 113,000/year.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I made it to St. Petersburg without any trouble; so far so good. I'm online for a few minutes here at Sergey's (John Neese's adopted son) apt. This pic is Sergey's kitchen where you will find the a small sink, a small stove, a tiny fridge, and even a washing machine. It reminds me alot of those New York city apts. you always see in the movies.

I'm exhausted and trying to stay awake through dinner time so I can get on the local time. Weather is about what you would expect... rainy and cold, but a welcome break from the dry Texas heat.

John and I will be going to a local church tomorrow for Sunday service and we'll see what happens after that. These services can go on for anywhere from 1 to 3 hours depending upon the mood of the pastor. Monday we head out to Lomonosov to work at the "baby home."


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