"...look after the orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27 Of the more than 700,000 children in Russia classified as being "without parental care," as many as one-third reside in institutions. Thousands more are temporarily quartered in various public shelters under police jurisdiction waiting for an available space in an orphanage. Thousands of children are abandoned to the state at a rate of 113,000/year.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Last Day in Lomonosov

So today was the last day at the baby home in Lomonosov and I had to say goodbye to all the little children who just started to know me. (Check out Anya's smile!) It was twice as hard because we only had about an hour with them to play games and hold them. Each day the children seemed to warm up to us even more and today was no exception. The biggest difference today is that they were starting to speak to us, in Russian of course, but still speaking to us none the less. Again it was sad, but I spent a little time asking the director of the home about the kids and I learned some encouraging news. Several of the children we got know (including my new friend Katia) will be adopted out to American homes next week; seven in all will be leaving the home. This is just fantastic and although I will never see them again I am happy for them still.

This is probably the hardest part of this type of mission work; saying goodbye and not knowing if you will see any of the children again or what will become of them. When I was at orphanage 14 I also learned that two of the boys I worked with their have "graduated" from the orphanage and are now in a trade school. This is difficult as you can imagine and it is something you have to be prepared for when you do this type of work. However, do not let this be discouraging to you or inhibit any desire you have to do mission work with children. Our job is not to take responsibility for these little ones, but rather let God handle that. All we can do is share a message and show our love the rest is up to God. Often times I find myself being very arrogant thinking I am here to save the world, but the truth is that I cannot, I am only an instrument through which work is done. Someone has already taking care of the whole save the world thing!

I am on my way to a new town tomorrow called Sosnova to work with a new facility. More on that later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! It was fantastic to live some of your experiences here. I'm sure God has used you in some wonderful ways to bring hope and joy. May God bless your faithfulness to him.

6:55 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, I came across your blog quite by accident. I adopted my little girl (formerly Olga) from Lomonosov. She came home 11/06. She is an amazing girl. We also met several people who also brought children home to the US from this orphanage and we would love some pictures if you have them! Also, you may be happy to see where some of the children you met have ended up. We have a yahoo LOMONOSOV group. Please e-mail me if you would like more information. - jbraiman@twcny.rr.com

10:00 AM


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